700 G Street
700 G Street does not have a mail room. Mail deliveries must made directly to the Tenant's suite. Outgoing mail may be given to delivery personnel at the time of delivery.
The host post office contact information is:
US Post Office - Midtown Station
800 Ingra Street
Anchorage, AK 99520
(907) 272-8266
USPS Dropbox
West 4th Avenue and G Street
Federal Express
- The local Federal Express office is located at 6050 Rockwell Avenue.
- The phone number is 1 (800) 463-3339.
- Federal Express packages are delivered directly to tenants by Federal Express whenever possible. If no one is available in your suite to sign for a package, the package will be returned to the local Federal Express office.
- Link: http://www.fedex.com/us/
- UPS Drop Off Location is at the Self Serve Drop Off 444 W 7th Avenue. 1-800-PICKUPS
- The local UPS Store is located at 645 G Street, Suite 100.
- The phone number is (907) 276-7888.
- UPS packages are delivered directly to tenants by UPS whenever possible. If no one is available to sign for a package, the package will be returned to the local UPS office.
- Link: http://www.ups.com/